the bar trivia experience, anywhere
Fast Facts Live is a live streaming trivia show created by Tom Hillmeyer and developed with Dan O'Keefe and Annah Horst. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Tom and Dan wanted to bring some much needed entertainment to their friends and family. They decided to do something they love to do: yell arcane information at anyone who will listen. FFL has since evolved into the cornerstone of Tom and Dan's new company: Creativeland. Creativeland supports Fast Facts Live, Dan's "In Conclusion" podcast, and Tom & Dan's individual media production projects. The Fast Facts arm of Creativeland is the live streaming trivia product with automatic scoring and virtually unlimited participants. The system doesn't use Zoom or Discord; it instead relies on a full HD, live-streamed show paired with a chatbot-powered automated scoring system. Fast Facts Live airs every Wednesday night at 9/8c, streaming on fastfactslive.com as well as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch. It is free to play. Creativeland also produces trivia shows on this same platform for private events.